Depuis le début 2016, les entreprises privées de sécurité sont particulièrement sollicitées (menace terroriste, Euros…), pour autant, le patronat continue à négliger la formation des salariés et à mépriser le dialogue social. Elle monte, elle monte la colère… Par Daniel Peltier test Secrétaire Général du SNEPS-CFTC
« In a letter dated 12 October 2015, the Union of Private Security Companies (USP) denounced the agreement of 1 December 2006 on the professional qualifications of benchmark professions, erasing seventeen years of negotiations in the branch, « says Daniel Peltier, DSC at Securitas France, and Secretary General of SNePS-CFTC . The agreement made it possible to define a trade, a coefficient and a salary corresponding to the position exercised in private security. This employers’ union therefore imposes a complete revision of the benchmarks that will disappear in January 2017 if the employee unions can not negotiate a new agreement. So companies can hire security guards SSIAP (Fire Safety Service and Assistance to People) coefficient 120, instead of 140, the coefficient 120 being the basis of conventional grid to date is less than the minimum wage, but in any case employees can not have a lower salary SMIC , while entrusting them with any mission. « It is the dream of many bosses and a nightmare for all employees since the benchmark trades will cease to exist. In case of less favorable new agreement, it will apply to all and the individual benefits acquired will not be maintained, « recalls Daniel Peltier.
After the November 13 attacks in Paris, employers’ organizations lobbyed Emmanuel Macron, the Minister for the Economy, and the Ministry of Labor Demand for flexibility in social legislation. They hope to go beyond the weekly hours of work of 35 hours and the overtime quota and thus obtain a waiver to the current 48 hours of cap to 60 hours. « Instead of bidding wars on the number of weekly hours worked, they had better take care of salaries to take off the minimum wage coefficient, » said Daniel Peltier.
Polycompetence and attractiveness of the trade
Today, the industry is not looking for multiskill, but the flexibility and versatility all-out on the job …  » I had business schedules in the hands where we observe that an employee may be requested on 3 or 4 trades in the same month, recognizes Daniel Peltier. One day, he is back-box in a shop, after security guard to ensure the surveillance of a car park, then pre-flight agent in another establishment … That we do a poly-competence, It is recognized and remunerated accordingly. « To enter the profession, officers must obtain a Certificate of Qualification (CQP) which sanctions 140 hours of mandatory training. « A time considered too long by profession who would pass it to 35 hours to be able to recruit employees from the employment center, and thus meet the high demands of their customers, protests Daniel Peltier. Not only the 140 hours training time is necessary, following the addition of a new module « awareness and prevention of terrorism, » recently recommended by the CNAPS ( National Council of Private security activities), but mostly it n is not the best way to professionalize future security and make them attractive agents our businesses. «Â
30% additional staff
Immediately after the attacks of 13 November, private security companies have seen an impressive rise in demand, but this time concerns the whole of the territory and not only the Ile-de-France. Moreover, after the attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis, the National Union of Security Enterprises (Snes) accounted for 30% of the additional staff requested throughout the country.  » In preparation for Euro 2016, private security companies had already anticipated the increase in human resources to meet the needs of the event. However, our concern relates to « fan zones » where are gathered thousands of spectators in front of giant screens, and that will not be covered by private security, « notes Daniel Peltier.
One observation: the security occupations suffer from a lack of attractiveness in a sector subject to a significant turnover. « Since 2000, the social gains have all collapsed. For example, before, the first coefficient had a gap with the smic of 10%, today it is below. In addition, Pôle Emploi sends unemployed people into private security training, but they are not recruited by companies when there is a strong demand. The reason ? When they see wages, they sometimes go after 12 hours. «Â
A tense situation …
In this context, the position of the CFTC is to negotiate with all employers: « We are thinking hard because anger is strong in our ranks. Are we putting pressure on the eve of the European Football Cup, scheduled in June with a notice of strike … Today we are trying to negotiate, but the situation is so tense that we requested the intervention of the representative of the Ministry of Labour and its presence in the joint committee … I hope that a solution will be found, otherwise it will take with the anger of workers goes up … « concludes Daniel Peltier.
Safety, in brief
> This sector has 4,500 companies, totaling 150,000 jobs, who often hire on a piecemeal basis with low remuneration, recruitment remains constraining or even problematic.
> Securitas France is the No. 1 private security company in France with 2014 revenues of 625 million euros and 15,600 employees.
« Instead of outbidding the number of hours worked weekly, employers would do better to pay wages »
Daniel Peltier,
DSC Securitas